Memorial Day Recap: New Style Rocket Items!

29 05 2007

Happy Memorial Day

We’re hoping that all you StyleRocket people had a great Memorial Day Weekend, enjoyed the extra day off to soak up some sun, take a trip, barbecue, and knock the top off of some frosty beverages. I know we all did. We’ve got some great stuff going on here at Style Rocket, and we’d like to share it all with you. If you’re wearing these:

Songe Bob Trunks to the beach, we have to help you out.

First off, let’s talk Modern Amusement. If you’re not up to date on your gear, (and you should be!), MA has been flying off the racks everywhere for the last couple of years. They are upping the ante this Spring and Summer season, with a lot of great T-Shirts, Flip Flops, and swim trunks, specifically these two pair: the Reversible Papaya Board Short and the Reversible Flair Dot Boardie . Modern is hot this season, so grab some of the goodness before it’s all gone!

Another brand that’s been killing it for us is Black Hearts Brigade. They have definitely come on strong this spring and are offering some great Shirts . From vintage looking, distressed, triple screened t-shirts, to enzyme dyed button ups, they are not to be missed.

Black Hearts Brigade 40 Leagues Shirt

We’re here to help, so check out Style Rocket everyday for more great products. This week we’ll have some new Ed Hardy tees and hoodies, as well as some special treats. See you around the web.



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